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    Helping marketers and their agencies get the best from Total TV

    ThinkTV works with the marketing community to lead a collective effort that demonstrates how advertising in broadcast-quality content environments provides the greatest return on investment.

    Our curiosity for all things TV is boundless – whether it’s understanding how audiences engage with TV, investigating the impact TV has on business results or simply celebrating the creativity of TV advertising – we’re always ready to chat about TV in all its forms and devices.

    We champion the power of Total TV advertising through research, education & industry development


    Partnering with leading academics

    ThinkTV partners with leading academics to conduct state of the art research to produce unbiased, independent studies that set new benchmarks in measuring the real impact of today’s advertising.


    Providing marketers with real facts and figures

    ThinkTV provides marketers, media agencies and networks with figures (not fiction) and facts (not opinions) to help them decide where best to allocate budgets.


    Making Total TV easy to understand for everyone

    To make Total TV advertising easier to understand, trade and evaluate, ThinkTV works with the industry to pioneer new ways of ensuring there is proper measurement, transparency and technology available for advertisers, agencies and networks.