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    Putting Australia back into a great Australian brew

    Together, the Summer of Cricket and Bundaberg dominated the Aussie summer.

    The challenge

    Bundaberg Brewed Drinks wanted to become Australia’s number one non-alcoholic beverage owning the Australian spirit and the occasion of summer.

    The execution

    Partnering with Seven’s Summer of Cricket was the only way to truly celebrate Bundaberg’s iconic Australian story – a brand steeped in generations of tradition.

    “Bundaberg Ginger beer wanted to own Australia’s summer last year. With the team from Seven and the Summer of cricket – we didn’t just own it, we took it over.”

    Penny Glasson
    CMO, Bundaberg Brewed Drinks

    The results

    The partnership helped Bundaberg achieve four key goals: the brand grew three times faster than the category, up 18 per cent year-on-year. Secondly, Bundaberg built awareness with an 11 per cent uplift. The brand increased purchase consideration by 26 per cent, now sitting at a monumental 85 per cent. Finally, Bundaberg took its rightful position as Australia’s number one soft drink.

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