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    Pick the most effective channels

    When it comes to choosing the right media channels for your campaign, TV’s effectiveness is hard to beat.

    There’s a good reason why a whopping 90% of Effie Award winning campaigns use TV – it works. And research shows it delivers an outstanding return on investment.

    It sometimes feels like the media landscape changes by the second, which can make it hard to choose any channel for your campaign, let alone the most effective one. So let us help simplify the process. 

    At ThinkTV, we reckon effectiveness is the most important metric to consider when it comes to advertising. 

    View all our facts & stats

    Attention. Emotion. Impact & Profit.

    Facts & Stats

    Attention. Emotion. Impact & Profit.

    Total TV remains the master of effectiveness in the videoverse, no matter which part of the funnel you’re looking at.

    Make Total TV first on & last off every media plan

    Facts & Stats

    Make Total TV first on & last off every media plan

    While plenty of channels can reach large numbers of the Australian population, few can do it as quickly and simultaneously as TV. With engaged, attentive viewers, TV continues to do […]

    Advertising Pays

    Facts & Stats

    Advertising Pays

    The economic, employment and business value of advertising

    Total TV Reach

    Facts & Stats

    Total TV Reach

    A full picture of TV’s growing audience across screens.

    The Benchmark Series: Cross Channel Impact

    Facts & Stats / The Benchmark Series

    The Benchmark Series: Cross Channel Impact

    In its seventh year, The Benchmark Series investigates the impact of different media channels and their interactions to drive the best media mix.

    The Brand Engine: Optimise your media spend & power better brand outcomes

    Facts & Stats / The Benchmark Series

    The Brand Engine: Optimise your media spend & power better brand outcomes

    Marketers are always looking to increase effectiveness and efficiency of media investment, but without consistent access to econometric modelling it can be challenging to design campaigns for the best possible […]

    BVOD consumption

    Facts & Stats

    BVOD consumption

    Australia’s fastest-growing media channel continues to accelerate.

    Attention & Effectiveness: To ESOV & Beyond Part II

    Facts & Stats / The Effie Awards

    Attention & Effectiveness: To ESOV & Beyond Part II

    Find out how you can supercharge attention for your marketing campaigns.

    Media Engine: Power up the revenue returns of your next campaign

    Facts & Stats / The Payback Series

    Media Engine: Power up the revenue returns of your next campaign

    With a wealth of econometric and campaign learnings at our fingertips, we wanted to find a way to help ensure your briefs are grounded in facts. Because smart strategies, powered […]

    Cross Channel Impact: A Focus on Retail & Services

    Facts & Stats / The Benchmark Series

    Cross Channel Impact: A Focus on Retail & Services