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    Drive sales & ROI

    Time and time again, in studies around the globe, TV comes up trumps as the best medium to drive brand growth.

    TV’s true value lies in the return on media investment.

    Of all the measures of marketing success, ROI is the one that matters in the boardroom. And according to research conducted by independent marketing consultancy Ebiquity, TV delivers a greater return on investment than any other medium.

    Ebiquity’s econometric study, Payback Australia, used three years of raw sales and campaign data from 21 brands with a collective spend of $500 million across the four key advertising categories of fast moving consumer goods, automotive, finance and e-commerce. The study established TV as almost twice as efficient as the next media channel.

    For example, TV returns average sales of $1.70 for every dollar invested in the FMCG category. The return is even greater for automotive which delivers $8.90 while finance sees an ROI of $5.30.

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