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    What’s a TARP and how’s it measured?

    TARPs are an essential part of the TV buying ecosystem.

    TARP stands for Target Audience Rating Point and it refers to the proportion of an advertiser’s target audience that is exposed to a campaign or program.

    TARPs are typically used for TV advertising that is bought against a specific demographic or audience segment. 

    TARPs are calculated by using the following formula:

    TARP = Average audience viewing a program / target universe estimate x 100

    ‘Universe estimates’ estimate the total audience size. For example, in 2019, the universe estimate for Melbourne metro is 5,243,200. 

    So let’s say 720,000 women aged 25-to-39 were exposed to an advertising campaign from a total universe of 4,800,000 people, then the campaign delivers a TARP of 15 since 720,000 divided by 4,800,000 equals 15.

    To access OzTAM universe estimates click here.

    To access Regional TAM universe estimates click here.

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