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    Launch your campaign

    So you’ve defined your target audience and got your creative, now it’s time to build a media plan.

    It’s important to choose the right media to ensure your brand message stays in the mind of the consumer right up until the point of purchase.

    Media planning has a language all of its own, and although it may seem impenetrable for the uninitiated, we can assure you that it isn’t as scary as it sounds. The starting point for your media plan is determining reach and frequency for your ad against your target audience.


    the percentage of the audience seeing the ad


    how often the ad is seen by your target audience


    the percentage of a specific target audience viewing a program at the time

    Working out the reach and frequency will help you to figure out how many TARPS your campaign will require

    TARP stands for Target Audience Rating Point. Let’s say you’re looking to reach women aged 25 to 39 and are thinking about advertising during The Bachelor. If 30% of women aged 25 to 39 in metropolitan Melbourne tune in to the program, the TARP for the show in the selected market is 30.

    When it comes to budget allocation it is important to consider your business objective and to determine whether you want to prioritise reach, frequency or continuity. This prioritisation will feed into your campaign phasing approach.